(SOLD OUT) Joyabaj Organic – Guatemala

Espresso & Filter Roast | 250g or 1kg

Varietal: Catuaí, Caturra, Bourbon

Processing: Honey

Altitude: 1,600-1,700 masl

Cupping Score: 86.75

Tasting Notes: Trail Mix, Chocolate, Tropical Fruit, Dried Fruits, Cherry

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SKU: VEL-455-21120923-1-1-2-1-4-2-2-1 Category: Tags: , ,


Delicious as both an espresso or a filter coffee, Joyabaj offers a clean, sweet cup that smells like a freshly opened pack of trail mix.

With hints of tropical fruits, it is a sweet yet nutty coffee that has good body and a smooth acidity.

Prominent tasting notes include trail mix, chocolate, dried fruits, tropical fruit and cherry, and it has a high cupping score of 86.75.

It is an organic-certified coffee, grown to organic farming standards by a small community of producers in Joyabaj, a small town in the Quiché region of Guatemala.

The Joyabaj Wet Mill, where this coffee is processed, is located began operation in 2021 and operates from January to April.

The communities of producers are provided with technical advice and support to grow organic crops with good yield and little by little to expand the production areas.

Organic Guatemala coffee cherries

About this coffee

Joyabaj is a community full of valleys, mountains and springs of water.

This causes the climate to be somewhat cold, meaning that the type of coffee grown in this area has different attributes depending on the soil and climate.

The harvest, collection and selection of the coffee beans are carried out by the family members of each producer.

Not all members of the communities have means of transportation to transport their coffee, so there are people in charge of transporting the coffee cherries to the Joyabaj Wet Mill.

In the Joyabaj Wet Mill, the process begins with washing the coffee cherry, followed by a selection process that eliminates subpar coffee beans.

The next step is the fermentation of the coffee with the shell, which lasts an average of 18 hours, followed by the pulping process and then the drying process in a solar dryer with African beds.

Carrying out this process takes approximately 6 days of drying, and manual movements are carried out so that the drying process is uniform.