Kibingo Velvet Intenso – Burundi FW

18,00 62,00 

Recommended for: Filter 

Varietal: Red Bourbon

Processing: Yeast Inoculated Fully Washed

Altitude: 1,700-1,900 masl

Tasting Notes: Honey, Lemon Curd, Milk Chocolate, Black Tea

Euro (€) - EUR
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  • United States dollar ($) - USD
  • Pound sterling (£) - GBP
SKU: VEL-455-21120923-1-1-2-1-4-1-1-1-4 Category:


This coffee is a classic Burundi, offering a natural sweetness, clean finish and an enjoyably smooth cup at any time of the day.

We tasted an initial hit of honey that flows into a well-rounded drinking experience with a velvety mouthfeel. Ending with a strong flavour of black tea, the subtle citrus notes add a crisp edge to this otherwise silky smooth coffee.

We recommend enjoying this Burundi coffee as a pour over in order to appreciate its full complexity, but it can also make for a smooth and delicate espresso.

Kibingo Velvet Intenso Coffee by TheStudio.Coffee
Kibingo Washing Station in Kayanza Region, Burundi

About this coffee

Kibingo washing station in northern Burundi sits at 1,893 meters above sea level and processes up to 750,000 kg of cherry per day, supporting over 3,515 farmers with 10 fermentation tanks, soaking tanks, and extensive drying facilities.

The station provides organic fertilizer, subsidised coffee seedlings, and participates in outreach projects to improve yields and strengthen cooperatives.

During the harvest season, families handpick cherries from their small coffee farms (200-250 trees each).

After delivery, cherries are pulped within six hours and separated into high- and low-grade using a Mackinon 3-disc pulper.

The coffee is then fermented for about 96 hours with intenso yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), specially developed for coffee production over a four-year period of research and trials.

This enhances flavour complexity and prevents defects.

This longer fermentation process develops acidity, brightness, and floral notes.

After fermentation, the beans are washed, graded by density, and dried on raised beds for 10-14 days.

Parchment coffee is sorted for defects, bagged, and cupped for quality assessment while maintaining full traceability.

Kibingo Velvet Intenso Burundi Coffee
Kibingo Velvet Intenso – Burundi FW
18,00 62,00